How to Keep your Dog Safe & Comfortable while Traveling

Taking your furry friend on the road can be one of the most enjoyable experiences, but keeping your dog safe in the car is crucial. Whether you’re heading to the vet, ate get a pup-cup, or on a road trip, understanding the best way to transport your dog in the car can make all the difference.

In this post, we’ll explore tips and tricks to ensure that your pup stays secure and comfortable, so you can focus on the fun of your journey together. Let’s dive into how to make car rides safe and enjoyable for both you and your canine companion!

dog safety

Way back in 1999 when I got my first dog, Max, I become immediately worried about his safety while riding in the car. At the time I drove a 2-seater Toyota MR2 and having him sit in the front seat made me so nervous. I had always been a “safety-first” person who wore my seatbelt and having him unrestrained seemed very irresponsible. It was a no-brainer that even as a poor-college-student, I found the extra money to buy him a car safety harness.

Fast forward 25+ years and I’m astonished at how nonchalant people are when it comes to their dogs safety in the car. I was only 21 years old and prioritized my dogs safety by using a harness on him while secured with the seatbelt anytime he was in a moving vehicle. We have done the same for each of our dogs since, without fail.

What can happen if your dog is not secured in your vehicle?

I decided to write this post after seeing ‘popular influencers’ being neglegent with their dogs recently on social media. I was aghast to see that they had large dogs, in moving vehicles, jumping into the drivers area! Not only risking the dog’s safety but the safety of everyone in the vehicle, including their children!

This also comes after a few recent local incidents where humans/dogs were traveling through our area and were involved in accidents. The dog(s) escaped the vehicle(s) and were LOST. Lost in an area they were traveling through (hours from their home), lost permanently and never were reunited with their owners, which is absolutely heartbreaking and could have been avoided.

Additionally, dog-safety comes into play even when the most innocent of accidents happen. A dog I care very deeply about, accidentally put down the back window of the truck he was riding in with his paw and went out the window of a moving vehicle, sustaining major injuries. This was a pure accident, however if he had been secured in a safe manner, this could have been avoided.

Accidents happen, they aren’t always because of neglect, but when we know better we need to do better. And just like how we would never operate a vehicle without safety securing a child, we need to provide our beloved dog the same level of protection!

How to Keep your Dog Safe while in a Car, Truck or SUV

Keeping your dog safe while riding in the car is very easy and affordable! There are just a few key points to keep in mind, to ensure your dog is safe and comfortable while on your next road trip.

The Best Dog Harness for Car Rides

Your dog MUST wear a Harness at all times when in the vehicle, for optimal safety. Using a harness designed with auto safety in mind is BEST but any harness is better than no harness.

In fact I can’t stress this enough, your dog NEEDS a harness for not ONLY their safety when riding in a car, truck or SUV but it is also the most humane way to walk your dog on a leash. Think about it, if you were on a leash or being restrained in any way, do you want a noose around your neck or a harness around your chest? If you have any doubt, try it yourself.

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Argos wears a Kurgo Tru-Fit Enhanced Strength Dog Harness. It’s Certified Crash Tested Car Safety Harness for Dogs with Metal Buckles and Padded Chest. He is about 90 lbs and wears an XL.

The Best dog Seatbelt for Car Rides

Your dog, while wearing a harness, must also be safely tethered to the vehicle. You can connect them to the seatbelt it self or using an adaptor to the seat/headrest. This again is much like the harness, any tether is better than none but choose what feels best for your dog, budget and situation. You want this to be adjustable so that you can determine how long (or short) their reach is. You want them to be able to move but not far enough to come into the front seat or get their feet out the window. CLICK HERE to see tons of seat belt options for dogs.

dog safety

We use a tether that connects around the head rest and clips to Argo’s harness. We prefer a high connecting tether instead of a direct to seatbelt, for more ability to move without getting tangled. The seatbelt tether we are using in our new car came with our new seat protector.

The Best Car Back Seat Protector for Dogs

Initially you may not think that a seat protector is essential for keeping your fur baby safe, but I beg to differ. Let me explain. Even when your dog is wearing his harness AND safely tethered to the seat, imagine slamming on the brakes and your dog being jolted forward.

Their legs can easily go out from under them, sustaining injuries as they slip and slide off the seat. By creating a safe ‘nest’ your dog has a small, confined space that is not only comfortable but also prevents them from falling off the seat.

Hard Bottom Seat Protectors have more room by extending the seat bottom all the way forward to the front seats, PLUS you can conveniently store other things underneath. This extra protection also keeps the interior of your vehicle safe from scratches and dirt that dogs inevitably will bring to your car.

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No exaggeration, we have no less than 5 seat protectors in our garage. We’ve tried so many different options but this new Luxurious Full Backseat Protector is hands down the BEST option we have tried. You can see from the photo above, that it has a firm, hard bottom included but is removable for washing. Also the furry texture helps to capture hair and dirt that otherwise flies around your car. And it comes in a convenient bag for storage, when not in use.

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And let’s be honest, it looks luxury! Only the best for Argos (and your dog, too!) And this Luxury Seat Protector comes with the seat protector with hard bottom, FREE seat belt and a FREE Calming Blanket too! It will fit most cars, trucks and SUVs. This post is featuring it in our 2025 Toyota Crown Signia (which is a wagon/SUV crossover).

If you are looking for other options, may be not as luxurious or for a specific vehicle, CLICK HERE for tons of options! With a wide variety of specifications and prices.

How to Calm an Anxious Dog for a Car Ride

We love relying on natural options before using drugs, I suggest trying my Calming Chamomile Dog Treats Recipe with Lavender if your dog gets anxious during car rides. If that isn’t strong enough, look into using CBD for calming or as a last resort, work with your vet for a safe pharmaceutical option.

The Best GPS Collar to help find a Lost Dog

Lastly I want to touch on one final aspect to traveling with your dog and that’s what would you do if, god-forbid, they got away from you?? I simply cannot imagine the panic I would have if Argos got away from us… not that he’s ever even wandered but it happens all the time. Even the best trained dog, when put in certain circumstances, may run away or even be stolen.

Remember in the beginning of this post when I shared about local auto accidents where the dog(s) ran away, never to be found again? By keeping them tethered to your vehicle helps to eliminate the risk, but you can also use a 24/7 tracking device as an added layer of protection!

This is why we keep a Fi Smart Collar on Argos, not only at home but also when traveling. This gives us an alert any time he leaves the boundaries we have established through the app as well as, can help to locate him if we are separated. It’s also like a smart watch, it keeps track of his sleeping habits and movement as well. Unlike an air-tag that needs other devices in its proximity to work, the Fi Smart Collar uses GPS signals for an always on connection.

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The Fi Smart Collar is also extremely affordable! Click HERE to get $20 off plus 1 Free Month Membership


We have 2 base units, one for home and one at the lake to alert us if he leaves his boundaries. This does not offer any containment ‘shock’ so please don’t worry! It does have a light feature that you can remotely activate to see them better in dark environments.

Why don’t I recommend crating your dog in the Car

I don’t have any scientific data to share for this topic, but I personally do not recommend crating your dog in the car, unless there are very special circumstances which it becomes a necessity. I am using a common-sense approach. I do not feel that most of us have the extra space in our vehicles for our family, supplies AND a dog crate. I also do not feel that it is necessary when you are taking the precautions for safe and comfortable travel that I’ve outlined above.

Crates can tip over and need to be secured to the vehicle to ensure they stay safe in the event of an accident. Simply shoving a crate containing a dog into a vehicle can be even more dangerous than a dog who’s not secured. Imagine being in an accident and your dog bouncing about in a metal or plastic crate? Does that seem safe? Or worse yet getting propelled out of the moving vehicle and rolling down the free way in a crate, it seems like a common-sense disaster. (again properly secured and crash tested crates for travel are an exception IF you vehicle has the space to support it)

Protecting and Organizing your Car Interior while Traveling with your Dog

Other notes regarding safety for your pet AND your car interior… yes we just got a new car. After driving our 2008 Prius for the past 17 years, I fell in love with the 2025 Toyota Crown Signia. I am taking all the precautions to preserve our interior since we do spend so much time traveling to and from the Lake with Argos in the car.

2025 Toyota Crown Signia Limited in Oxygen White

While “Blanche” (yes we name our cars) is beautiful on the outside and is fill with features we needed, I admit that it’s the real-leather interior in saddle brown that sold me. Leather is forgiving but like the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Under the dog seat protector, I also added an inexpensive 2-piece seat liner that matches perfectly.

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We keep a small car organizer behind the driver’s seat to keep little odds and ends organized. I picked this one up at Target for $15.

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And yes the dog seat protector we use does come with fold up door protectors, we also use separate door protectors just incase. These are about $20, so very affordable. While we don’t have concerns about Argos, our previous dog Hercules (black lab) was very rambunctious in the car and scratched our doors in the prius.

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To note, we also keep the child safe locks ON when Argos is in the car to make sure that no unfortunate accidents happen. Only we can put down the windows or open the doors.


In conclusion, keeping your dog safe in the car is essential for both their well-being and your peace of mind. By using a sturdy harness and a pet seatbelt, you can minimize distractions and protect your furry friend during travels. Always remember to provide breaks for bathroom needs and hydration, and never leave your dog alone in a parked car. With these simple steps, you can ensure every road trip is a safe and enjoyable adventure for you and your pup. Happy travels!

If you love your dog as much as we do, check out these Healthy Dog Recipes next:

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