DIY Non-Toxic Essential Oil Mattress Spray
With my aromatherapy DIY Non-Toxic Essential Oil Mattress Spray you get all the comforting smells of freshly washed bedding without the use of toxic chemical fabric softener or sprays!
With my aromatherapy DIY Non-Toxic Essential Oil Mattress Spray you get all the comforting smells of freshly washed bedding without the use of toxic chemical fabric softener or sprays!
Trying to determine the best brand of Essential Oils can be so confusing but I’m here to help you understand why I decided to make the Switch to Rocky Mountain Oils and why you should too!
One of the most common reasons dogs are seen by veterinarians is due to ear infections. However, you can safely and effectively treat ear infections at home with a healthy diet and using my Essential Oil Dog Ear Wash Spray for Ear Infections (avoiding the hassle, cost and toxic side effects)
My Scent Away Hunting Spray made with Essential Oils is the BEST way to naturally cover your smell while in the woods without using toxic chemicals!
I just took PSL to a whole new level. Not only do I enjoy drinking a Pumpkin Spice Latte during the cool fall months, I also love having a house that’s PSL scented – without any toxic chemicals or burning carcinogenic scented candles! My Pumpkin Spice Latte Non-Toxic Cleaning Spray wouldn’t be possible without my…
Approximately 50 million Americans experience some type of allergy. Allergies are characterized by symptoms such as runny nose and itching eyes. Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a substance that’s normally harmless. Some triggers can be pollen, grass, fragrances, animal dander, medication or foods. Your body attempts to protect itself from the substance…
Spring has officially SPRUNG! Who else is getting ready for some serious Spring Cleaning?? I know I am! Spring cleaning is such a transformational time, out with the old and in with the new, purging and cleaning for a fresh start! But don’t make the mistake of cleaning your home with toxic chemicals! Cleaning need to…
OMG. Seriously. I have a post on my blog with “Boogie” in the title. How did this happen!?!? Well, it happened because I have a super adorable great-niece, Jocelyn and she’s got a runny nose – of course Aunt Hayley came to the rescue with some All Natural Homemade Boogie Wipes! When I started looking…
Today it’s practically impossible to scan through your Facebook feed and not see at least one post about Essential Oils. Whether it’s a new treatment for an illness, essential oils workshop or god-for-bid another post sharing their amazing business opportunity, I just want to scream! Am I the only one who’s fed up? Don’t get me wrong, I…
Did you know you can make homemade candles from virtually any solid (saturated) fat? The best part is that they are great ways to use a local & sustainable resource from your farmer-friends! Once you make Homemade Tallow Candles you’ll never want to buy them again! Tallow has been historically used for candle and soap…
With my DIY Homemade Aromatherapy Necklace you can take a pretty little personal diffuser that goes wherever you go!
You wake up with a small cluster of tiny, harmless-looking, white blisters, which quickly explode into a painful sore the size of Rhode Island. (OK, so maybe it just looks that big to you.) Many people get confused about whether they have a cold sore or a canker sore. But that confusion is easily cleared…