Dark Chocolate Covered Ground Cherries
Yes. You’ve figured it out. I’m totally obsessed with ground cherries. Not only because they have overtaken our garden, but mostly because they are totes delicious.
What? You’ve never had a ground cherry?
Stop what you are doing and head to your local farmers market and grab some STAT.
Oh an while your out, grab some Dark Chocolate too – cause you’re going to need it to make these Dark Chocolate Covered Ground Cherries when you get home!
Never heard of a ground cherry? Not sure what all the fuss is about? Read THIS post where I go into more details…
It’s always shocking at how something so easy can be so delicious. I dare even call this a recipe…..
Melt some dark chocolate (I used THIS brand) in a double boiler – aka placing a glass bowl on top of a simmering pot of water and stir to melt.
Then dip your cute little ground cherries into the chocolate….
And just like that! You have a delicious and healthy summertime treat!
Not only are thy super yummy, I think they are so cute too!
Not only are these amazing eaten fresh or chilled in the fridge, they are also awesome frozen! Just pop them into the freezer and nosh on them later.
I hesitate to even include a recipe card with this post, BUT I know if I don’t someone will ask for one….
Chocolate covered ground cherries is an excellent idea! Just about to try it!
This is a great post! I enjoy your writing style and the content!