Planning a Perfect Restaurant Date – Do’s and Don’ts

At least every year, people go on dates. Now, before you object – dates can be relative. It doesn’t necessarily mean having a candlelit experience on a rooftop with songs and food. It could be as little as hanging out with your friends and checking certain things off your bucket lists. So, we are right if we said everyone has been on one. 

Couple enjoying a romantic dinner with wine and delicious meals at a cozy restaurant.

On the other hand, we believe everyone should experience a perfect restaurant date at one point in their lives. It should be all about the food, ambience, and most importantly, the person. Think of a situation with your romantic partner – or a potential one, you need to have the best experience ever. But what happens if you are not well-informed before leaving for the date? It could be an absolute disaster! Those who even prepared enough come back telling stories of how terrible it might have been. 

How do you make sure this doesn’t happen to you at the very least? Well, use our guide book of do’s and don’ts when preparing for your next date. It should be enough to make sure your experience is as perfect as it could get. 

Your Do’s for a Restaurant Date

On your next restaurant date with a romantic partner, intending one, or friend, here are a few things you should consider doing. 

  • Pick The Perfect Place

One of the first things when hanging out with someone is picking the right place to meet – in this case, a restaurant. It is solely to make sure that you both have a good experience and that involves choosing a spot that matches your individual preferences. This could be in terms of food, ambience, vibe (outdoor or indoor), or even dietary restrictions. You also need to find out if you have to make reservations and enquire about other things you think would be necessary for your experience. Overall, as long as you both agree on a place, you should be good.

  • Choose The Right Dress

Another thing you must do is choose the right dress for the occasion. There is so much that could happen on your date just only because of what you wear. Firstly, you need to dress according to the restaurant’s policies, if there is one, so you don’t get kicked out and embarrassed. Secondly, you want to make a good impression on your date because this could possibly be the start of something new. Lastly, you need to be as comfortable and polished as you can be. So, if you have to buy new dresses, you should.

  • Be On Time

There is nothing as wholesome as being early to a place. First, it means that you value your time. Secondly, it means you value the person’s time. More importantly, it means that you are intentional about the date. Imagine if someone arrived 3 hours after the time set for a hangout, you would most likely think that they weren’t interested in the first place. So, to avoid creating that impression on the person’s mind, you should be there on time. You should be at least 5 to 10 minutes earlier than the rendezvous time. It even gives you more time to check the menu and find out what options you and your partner would be comfortable with. 

  • Practice Good Table Etiquettes

Treat your date as a means to assess the other person, finding out what they like and their manners on the table. They would also be doing that. It also creates an impression. So, when the food is served, you should use the right cutlery, eat at a decent pace, and keep your mouths as closed as possible. No one should see you chewing so loudly and openly. Your table etiquette doesn’t stop there – you should also be mindful of the staff. Ensure that you treat them with respect and appreciate them for their service – tipping is a good thing to do. 

  • Give Compliments

Lastly, you should give compliments and show gratitude. Honoring someone’s invitation for a time out can be difficult, but they came anyway. Thank the person and let them know you had a good experience and would love to meet again if they felt the same way. 

Your Don’ts for a Restaurant Date

Since we’ve mentioned what we think you should do to have a perfect date at a restaurant, here are things you shouldn’t. 

  • Avoid Distractions

Being distracted is one of the things not to do while on a date. It is a valid reason for you or your partner to become uninterested in the experience. You need to give your full attention to the other person, showing that you value their presence. It is a time to bond – not the time to check social media or crypto casino updates. The only exception is if there is an emergency and you have no choice but to respond. Even at that, you should excuse yourself and apologize for picking that call or text. Otherwise, stay off your phone. 

  • Don’t Go Beyond Limits

Another thing you shouldn’t do is go beyond your limits. This encompasses different things. For instance, just because you want to impress your date, you choose a restaurant that you can barely afford the meal. You need to decide and move according to budget and interest. Also, while at the restaurant, you should limit alcohol consumption if there will be any. You need to have a clear head and remain attentive. 

  • Don’t Get Messy

More importantly, as a part of table manners, you shouldn’t get messy. You should only stick to foods that are easy to eat. Going for difficult meals like ribs or messy pasta won’t set a good impression. Even if the mess cannot be helped, it could be a huge turn-off for your date.   


If it’s your first or next date experience, you need to maintain composure a hundred percent. The hangout is all about creating an impression and if you miss that chance, you may never get another to redeem yourself. So, ask yourself, what have you been doing wrong all along and how do you correct them with the tips provided above? We believe that once you figure this out, you shouldn’t have a problem whatsoever! 

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