Quick & Easy Homemade Mayo!
One final item that we’ve needed to eliminate from our diet is store bought mayonaise containing (GMO) soybean oil. I’ve tried several organic and natural brands but none of them really tasted like the stuff we’ve eaten and loved our whole lives. Sure, I’ve made mayo before and it’s turned out well, but I’ve never really simplified it into a recipe I can just toss together at a moments notice (when my hubby yells, HEY Where’s the Mayo? I need some NOW)
There are lots of different methods you can use to make mayo; hand wisking, blender, food processor, etc. I decided to concentrate on making mine with my immersion (stick) blender, which allows me to make it directly in jar I want to store it in – less mess, less waste.
Mayo, is personal. I like Kraft, my hubby likes Hellmans, etc. Feel free to experiment with different ratios of the flavors, just keep tasting as you go. And I’ve designed this recipe to use just one egg and make about 1 cup of mayo, so you can easily use it up before it goes bad. The addition of whey will extend the freshness by allowing it to culture/ferment instead of going bad – but I know most of you don’t have whey so I’m not going to include it in this recipe. Also it’s hard to make such a small amount of mayo in a regular sized blender or food processor, you’ll need to stick to wisking by hand or a stick blender, but feel free to double or triple the recipe to meet you needs and usage.
Oh, yes mayo does contain raw egg. I don’t think there is any reason you need to worry about consuming raw egg, IF you are getting fresh eggs from a local farmer, who raises their chickens out free ranging in nature. We raise our own chickens and I encourage everyone who can, to do so. Raising chickens is easier that having a dog and they are a lot of fun 🙂
In the recipe below, the measurements I use are listed but please feel free to experiment on your own and
come up with your perfect flavor blend.
Here’s what you need:
1 Free Range Local Egg, room temperature (any size is fine)
Juice of organic lemon wedge (1/8 lemon)
1/8t Honey (Local and Raw, Please!)
1/4t Sea Salt
1/4t Organic Dijon Mustard
Organic Olive Oil
I crack my egg into a wide mouth canning jar and use my stick blender to mix it up really well. Add in the lemon juice, honey, mustard and salt, and blend well. With your stick blender in one hand, begin to slowly drizzle in your oil. It will emulsify (thicken), keep adding oil until it’s to your desired thickness. Enjoy!!
I’m new to making my own real food. I’ve had a hard time with unpasteurized things….I’m learning, lol. I am on day 2 of fermenting some mashed potatoes. 😉 I just have to understand things before I do them. My question to you is (raw egg??) Is this safe ? Apparently so because you lived to tell about it, lol. But can you explain why my family won’t get I’ll eating something with raw egg? You can thank my mother and grandmother for not letting me eat the cookie dough because I’d die of salmonella caused by raw egg. Haha. Thank you so much for your help.
Anne ♡
Anne – the concern with salmonella is with gross confinement eggs (cheap grocery store eggs) find a local farm, buy them fresh and don’t worry. Salmonella comes from dirty, disgusting living conditions where rodents bring in the bacteria and transfer it to their food. Where chickens raised outdoors, free ranging on pasture aren’t cramped in rat attracting conditions.
FYI, I’ve read using olive oil that is NOT Extra Virgin, will take out the olive oil taste if used
most recently, I’ve been using avocado oil in my homemade mayo it is a very neutral tasting oil. Thanks for the olive oil tip!
how long will this last refrigerated?
for roughly a week – if you add a 1 tablespoon of whey it will last up to a month (as a cultured mayonnaise)
Hi! I tried making mayo with grapeseed oil and my family didn’t care for it. Could you use coconut oil or olive oil, or maybe a combo? Suggestions, please! Thank you in advance!!
Olive oil can also be used the same way, however it will take on the taste of the olive oil.
I love the idea of making this in the jar! I’m not sure it would work in this recipe, but here’s my recipe for homemade spicy Dijon mustard.
Yellow and brown mustard seeds
Apple cider vinegar or homemade kombucha that’s become too vinegary
Bragg’s organic sprinkle (24 herbs and spices)
Bragg’s sea kelp delight seasoning
1 sm garlic clove chopped
Place mixture of mustard seeds in jar (up to 2/3 full)
Cover seeds with ACV/Kombucha
Place the garlic and seasonings in the jar
Check the seeds periodically. They will absorb the liquid so you’ll need to add more liquid. There should be a 1/4 inch of liquid over the seeds at all times.
Leave the jar on the counter, loosely covered, for at least a week. I generally leave mine 2 weeks. The mustard is ready to blend when the seeds pop as you chew them. Whir in blender until mustard is thick. Place back in jar and store in fridge.
This mustard is so good, I often eat it right from the spoon. It makes excellent gifts in small canning jars!
I have been trying to make homemade mayo for a while now. Your recipe sounds simple enough to try for sure. Where do you buy organic grapeseed oil?
The website looks great, love the recipes.
Thank you,
I ordered it from amazon and purchased it at my local co op!