Crock Pot Roasted Sweet Potatoes
This is the easiest way to cook sweet potatoes, especially around the holidays when there is never enough oven space or burners on the stove!! No peeling, No water just roasted like you would in the oven!
I just roasted up my sweet potatoes in my crock pot then made them into my Sweet Potato Casserole (RECIPE)
Is there a limit to how many potatoes you would put in a 6qt crockpot at one time?
As many as will fit 🙂
My crok pot cerami dish cracked. Has anyone else reported this problem? Thanks!
I had a crock pot liner crack while I was making soup a couple years ago but not while making sweet potatoes.
when you cook sweet potatoes in the crock pot, do you peel them first??? Do you put water in the pot before the potatoes.??
No – they are roasted just like you would cook them in the oven. Just toss them in!