How to Prevent Sunburn with Supplements
Most people are unaware that diet and nutrition plays a large part in getting a sunburn. And you may not realize that the amount of antioxidants that you have in your skin plays a major role in your development of sunburn. The more antioxidants you take in, the lower your risk of sunburn. If you stay away from processed foods and consume a lot of foods which are high in anti-oxidants, such as raw fruits, vegetables and fresh juices, you will find that you have increased tolerance to sun exposure and do not burn as easily.
In addition to eating a healthy diet full of organic fruits, veggies and quality healthy fats, did you know that you can boost your bodies natural (internal) SPF through supplementation??
Each year we add a supplement routine to our pre-spring break vacation prep to help our bodies prepare for the sudden change in climate.
I’m excited to share with you How to Prevent Sunburn with Supplements! stay safe with BioOptimal Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 300 Grams.
If you’ve been following me on Facebook or Instagram you surely already know what my hubby and I look like, I’m a medium skinned brunette and my hubby is a fair skinned blonde. Up until we started this supplement routine, we’d both get sunburns.
Although my skin tans very well, I have had a few bad sunburns and get some degree every year as I first get sun exposure after winter. My nose and shoulders were notorious burn spots for me, and the first year we went on a spring break vacation I got a severe burn on my forehead that blistered and peeled, it was awful.
Ray, my hubby, burns like a fair skinned blonde would be expected to. Infact it seemed like his “tan” was basically different shades of red until we were finally nearing the end of summer and it would turn more of a golden brownish-red. And when on vacation that first year he had to wear a t-shirt in the pool most of the time to avoid completely and miserably frying his skin.
The sun and it’s nourishing rays are NOT the enemy. However since we are no longer living the natural lifestyle our ancestors did for millions of years that worked with the sun’s rays instead of against it.. Eating a diet free of processed foods, full of organic fruits and vegetables, pasture raised meats, eggs & diary, healthy fats and probiotic rich fermented foods are the undeniable keys to better health including boosting your body’s natural SPF.
And in addition to healthy eating, supplements are a way that can help you bridge the gap and make a HUGE impact in how your body uses the sun’s rays your skin is exposed to.
Before we went on vacation the 2nd year, we started taking a combination of 6 supplements to help our body get prepared for sun exposure (we live in Pennsylvania where it’s super cold in the winter) and the change was immediate and astonishing. Neither one of us got a sunburn!
On the first 2 days, to be safe we used THIS SAFE SUNSCREEN once or twice a day, but the last 5 days of vacation we didn’t use any at all, except on a few minor hot spots like the tips of Ray’s ears and the top of his head (he wears a visor).
- Green Tea Extract – prevent suppression of the immune system during sun exposure.
- Grape Seed Extract – A small study of healthy female volunteers suggests that grape seed extract in combination with other ingredients, may help to reduce the severity of sunburn.
- Astaxanthin – a natural health remedy to promote tanning and prevent sunburn. It may take 2 – 4 weeks to build up adequate sun protection.
- Beta-Carotene – has been shown to protect against sunburn. Research suggests that it is necessary to “build up” protection by supplementing a minimum of 10 weeks.
- Vitamin C and Vitamin E – offers modest benefits against sunburn as well. One double-blind study of 10 people found that 2 g of vitamin C and 1,000 IU of vitamin E taken for 8 days resulted in a modest decrease in skin reddening induced by ultraviolet light.
Now, because of the world we live in and the far reaching control of the government, I have to STRESS to you that I’m not a doctor and that I can’t tell you how much to take of these supplements and that there are no guarantees.
But I will give you a hint of how I put together our 6 Supplements that Prevent Sunburn (links to the exact products we use are above in the list of supplements)…
We take this combination for up to 10 weeks prior to our vacation or prior to the beginning of summer. I have ALSO tested these supplements before using a safe indoor tanning bed as winter vitamin d supplementation. During the time I was using an indoor tanning bed AND taking these supplements I did not burn at all, I was questioned by the staff since I could tolerate long times without burning initially. I did gradually get tan but it was not the same as if I did not use the supplements.
Like with any sun exposure, you need to be aware of how you feel and adjust accordingly.
But don’t take my word for it ? Here’s all my references and sources:
Does taking these supplements also protect you against UVA rays as well as UVB?
They make the body reactive to sunlight in a healthier way.. like we would if we were eating a natural healthy diet. I have no need to go that deep into resaearch since I am not fearful of healthy sunshine, it’s essential to human survival. If you find the answer to your question, please feel free to come back and share it with others.
Nice one.I am ignorant of it but for now I will try it.Am kwarteng mills from Ghana- west Africa
A high quality Fish Oil, like Carslons Very Finest Fish Oil, Nordic Naturals or Designs For Health will make a world of difference as well. You need to take about 2 grams every day, my husband and I are both fair and it’s done wonders in preventing sunburn.