Wild Foraged Black Trumpet Mushroom Spread
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Wild Foraged Black Trumpet Mushroom Spread

The black trumpet (Craterellus cornucopioides, aka “trumpet of death” or “horn of plenty”) is one of my favorite wild mushrooms. Don’t let its unremarkable appearance fool you; this is one of the best tasting fungi you’ll ever find. Black trumpets are considered a gourmet edible mushroom. They have a smoky, rich flavor and a pleasant, fruity aroma….

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust made with the World's Best Gluten-Free Dough
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Gluten-Free Pizza Crust made with the World’s Best Gluten-Free Dough

The key component to to making my Gluten-Free Pizza Crust is my World’s Best Gluten-Free Bread Dough recipe. You’ll need to make up a batch of it first then come back for this 2nd step. You’ll want about 3 cups of dough (use a greased 1 cup measuring cup to scoop out roughly 3 cups)  and spread it…